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Skin Care Treatment for Acne - Before, During and After Outbreaks

by Eduardo Mcdonalid

Acne is a persistent problem for many adults, starting in their teenage year and often continuing well into middle age. It can be embarrassing and painful. Having the right skin care treatments can help you to reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks. Here are some skin care treatments to discuss with your beauty therapist. 

Exfoliating treatments

Many people with acne benefit from light exfoliation, which removes dry and dead skin as well as any dried oil and built-up grime. Many people who have acne regularly wear heavy makeup to disguise the blemishes, but this can then build up in the pores and potentially form new blemishes. Exfoliating treatments can be a great way to remove the damaged skin and any built-up, old makeup deep in the skin to help prevent future breakouts. For sensitive acne-prone skin, it is more useful to get this skin treatment done at a professional salon where there is more control over the depth and intensity of the treatment. 

Spot treatments

During breakouts of acne, it can be useful to get skin treatments that reduce the level of inflammation and soothe the skin. There are many options that can be used, including soothing lotions, physical removal and drainage of the plugs, and light treatments to encourage healing. These treatments can reduce both the appearance of the blemishes and the swelling, which can cause pain. Often therapists can also advise on home treatments that can be applied early when a breakout is first felt to help stave off the more severe outbreaks. 

Moisturising treatments

In many cases, excess oil is a result of the body attempting to moisturise skin that is very dry and flaky. Many acne sufferers are reluctant to add more moisture to their skin because they are concerned that it feels 'greasy', but this can exacerbate the issues with the skin as the skin attempts to release more oil to make the skin less dry. Beauty therapists can advise on some useful oil-free moisturising solutions which can help to balance the moisture on the skin, as well as providing regular spa treatments to provide extra moisturising and soothing treatments. 

If you suffer from acne it is a good idea to get regular skin treatments throughout all stages of your outbreaks. These treatments can help to reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks as well as making your skin more comfortable through the cycle. 
